Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Guest Photographer

John Decker Photography
         So today in my photojournalism class we had a guest speaker after taking in exam. Although the last thing you want to do after taking in exam from staying up all night is stick around class longer. But  I was really looking forward to hearing John Decker speak. To see what he had to say about the real work, and taking inconsideration that I am graduating soon from school. I wanted to see what the real world has to over me, in addition to seeing his work off curse 

         Quick overview from what was mention in class John Decker was a photographer for the Sacramento Bee, work for the Governor Office in California while Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor. Currently he is working as event photographer in wedding and commercial. 

         It is interesting how life choices change from one day to another. John Decker 1st intention was to study Business which he did but decided to change his mind while he work for the school newspaper at his university and decided to become a photographer.

            Over all as he showed us his work in class, I found it very interesting as a whole. But I really enjoy seeing the project about the homeless, which was done in 1994. I found this project very similar to my current project of the homeless people in Sacramento CA. with the exception that I have not been able to get the same kind of access as he did. 

            In the after viewing his work I found hid lecture very interesting. I was able to relate and he gave grate advice for future photographers. 

Advice from one photographer to another:

1.    Read a lot

2.    Come up with good IDEAS

3.    Learn business skills 

4.    Learn to sale your self and your work (self promoting )